Here are some of the photos I entered into the contest...

Palm tree in Hawaii...

Cute baby cow. :)

I didn't enter the surfer. It's a cool pic, but when I went to print it, I messed with the colors some and the guy came out too dark. Maybe next year or next contest. :o)

I didn't enter the iris picture. It just wasn't my favorite..

This pictures is of some flower in Hawaii near Lanikai (sp) beach.

I really loved this picture of Izabella. I like it because anyone can identify with the child because there is no face...

The geese picture was taken up near Platte City in a neighborhood called Seven Bridges...I was on a quest to take pictures of the bridges and not the birds. Saw the gooslings (not what they are called, but oh well) and thought they were cute.

This was taken on my Grandma's farm right around Christmas Eve. It was a weird night. They had an ice storm a couple days prior. It was about 50 or 60 degrees this night.

This was taken on Liberty Square. Graham and I were enjoying ice cream as the pictures were being taken. :)