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Kansas City area photographer

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Old Faithful...at Night!

One night while staying near Old Faithful, Graham and I decided to take some night time photos.  We were hoping for a new moon (if you're interested in stars and what not, visit YNP when there's a new moon), but instead had somewhat of a quarter moon.  It was really peaceful at night without many people around. It got chillier as the night wore on and after about an hour and a half of standing outside, we called it a night (we moved quickly after shining a flashlight towards Old Faithful and seeing animal eyes staring back at us...didn't seem to be a small animal either).  Below is one of my favorite photos of Old Faithful.

Friday, September 16, 2011


On our way to Yellowstone!!  Getting closer to having the photos edited.  The top picture is somewhere in either Wyoming or Montana. The lower picture is in Lamar Valley (I believe) which is inside YNP. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Graham and I (and my parents) went on vacation out west...it was wonderful! Graham got to go to Wyoming and Montana for the first time. My dad humored us along the way by stopping to get pictures in front of the state signs (luckily, he never drove off without us, although I'm sure he thought about it).
We visited the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Devil's Tower, Yellowstone, and Jackson Hole. While we were visiting Mt. Rushmore, they had anyone in the military come down to the stage as part of the lighting ceremony. The color guard was there and took down the flag. It was an honor to watch the ceremony and a greater honor to look down at my husband and be so proud of his service. Thank you to him and all who have served!